
gender roles evangelical fundamentalism

Gender Roles, Evangelical Fundamentalism, and The Justifications We Make for Harmful Behavior

I’ve been away from the blog, recovering from surgery and while away, someone left a comment under an older post on Instagram that got me thinking. Now, we can’t influence people who don’t want to wrestle with a different point of view. A part of me knows that. But another part really wants to convince…

are men and women more different than alike in relationship
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Are Men and Women More Different Than Alike in Relationships? Exploring Evangelical Teachings

Are men and women more different than alike in relationships? Popular evangelical teachings often portray them as two distinct species. But what does the research say? Sometimes back, one of my readers tagged me under a Facebook post discussing “love” and “submission.” I’ve written quite a bit on those two subjects on this blog. In…

Lies women were taught about marriage
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31 Lies Women Are Taught About Marriage 

A couple of weeks back, I asked women about the biggest lies they had been taught or believed about marriage. So many responded and shared how those beliefs influenced their self-perceptions and relationships. What struck me was how so many could relate to other people’s experiences/beliefs. When some Christians say, “It’s not that bad,” I wish they…

Conservative Christian men
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Dear Conservative Christians, Maybe The World Isn’t Trying to Emasculate Men 

A week ago, Harrison Butker, the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, made headlines for a speech he delivered at Benedictine College, a private Catholic university in Kansas. In his 20-minute speech, the 28-year-old weighed in on different issues. It is his message to the graduating women that I want to address. I re-shared a short clip on my Facebook page….