45 Newlywed Quotes and Sayings To Inspire Your Marriage
I love newlywed quotes and sayings. They are cute and can be very educative.
But sometimes they are shocking.
After our wedding ceremony and during the afternoon photo shoot, our best man turned to my dashing groom and delivered one of the most profound statements we’d heard as a newlywed couple yet.
Smiling real big, he looked at my guy in the eye and said “Just die. Just die.“

We were tickled. And shocked (because there’s way more to a happy marriage than “die to yourself!”) A few days later and as the wedding haze began to lift, it dawned on us that indeed, dying to self has a place in marriage.
Do you want to lessen your learning curve? Then take the following newlywed quotes and sayings to heart! I hope the words tug at your heart, educate you and even make you smile!
A bunch of the sayings are mostly original (make sure to follow me on Instagram @nginaotiende where I share inspirational messages about marriage daily!)
A host of other quotes are from wise thought leaders and encouragers. Without further ado, here they are newlywed quotes and encouragement for new couples.
45 newlywed quotes and sayings to inspire all newlywed couples
1. Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we married. Tim Mullen
2. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7
3. Some individuals are invested in staying married. Not to becoming healthy and safe. Be committed to becoming healthy and safe and you will stay married. Ngina Otiende
4. Once upon a time, I became yours, and you became mine. And we’ll stay together through the tears and the laughter because that’s what they call happily-ever-after. Kathy R Jeffords.
5. I assumed all marriages which fail have one or both of the spouses doing something wrong and the wrongdoing leads to a breakup. I was wrong. Doing nothing is equally as bad. Because people don’t float together, they float apart. To stay together, you need a tether. To thrive, a couple must cling and cleave as if there’s a massive wave coming at them. Because there is a wave called drift – laziness, selfishness, convenience, comfortable, resentment, indiscipline, busy. And before long, you look around, and you lost sight of your spouse. Stay tethered: live your vows. Your relationship is counting on it. Ngina Otiende
6. Don’t just say the right things, also do the work. Ngina Otiende
7. Love is letting her charge her phone first. Marriage is buying a second charger. @XplodingUnicorn
8. No relationship is perfect but there’s a difference between a toxic, traumatizing relationship and growing pains between two people who uphold and honor the boundaries of love. Patrick Weaver.
9. The only part of marriage you have the power to change is the part you see when you look in the mirror.
10. The only people who never have regular differences with their spouse are people who don’t have a spouse. Ngina Otiende
The only people who never have differences with their spouse are people who don't have a spouse. Ngina Otiende #realmarriage11. Marriages are like fingerprints; each one is different and each one is beautiful. Maggie Reyes
12. Until you learn how to fight together, your marriage will struggle. Ngina Otiende.
13. God does not change people who are not willing to change. Ngina otiende
14. Set a “no abuse policy” instead of asking yourselves to agree to a “no divorce policy.” Heather Elizabeth,.
15. Seek friendship’s that build up the health of the individuals in marriage and walk away from those that tear it down. You don’t reach the top by taking the elevator down. Ngina Otiende
16. One person cannot permanently carry the responsibility of healthy connection in marriage. It takes two willing people to generate enduring change in a relationship. Ngina Otiende
17. If one spouse has checked out, the other can’t “check-in” on their behalf. They can’t “love” or “sacrifice,” or “want the marriage” enough to make up for what their spouse is not bringing to the table. Ngina Otiende
18. If you think your wife is the weaker sex, trying pulling the blankets over to your side at night. Anonymous
19. A sure sign of a man’s strength is how gently he loves his wife. FierceMarriage.com
20. Sometimes, the problem isn’t a lack of love but a lack of responsibility from one spouse. Ngina Otiende
21. A healthy marriage takes two willing people. Ngina Otiende
22. Love is.. his warm legs to put your cold feet on.
23. Marriage is not where the practice of love goes to die. Married Christians don’t get a pass: they don’t get to practice unkindness, immaturity, disrespect, pride, unrepentance, and call it “the married life.” That’s not the married life. That’s the unrepentant life. That’s the hardhearted life. And the spouse on the receiving end is not bound to put up with it. Ngina Otiende
24. Healthy men will react in a healthy way to boundaries. They may not like them and that’s okay, but they will be reflective rather than merely reactive. They will put your safety over their comfort. Andrew J Bauman
25. Marriage is supposed to be life giving, not life sucking. Spouses are meant to thrive. Ngina Otiende
26. When the marriage road gets bumpy, spouses are meant to work towards health, displaying the fruit of repentance: Actions and mindsets that reveal transformation. Ngina Otiende
27. No relationship is all sunshine, but two (kindhearted decent) people can share an umbrella and survive a storm together. Unknown.
28. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
29. I have found the one whom my soul loves. Song of Solomon 3:4
30. Move away from pedestaling marriage and focus on the quality of the relationship and the well-being yourselves as individuals. Ngina Otiende
31. Loyalty to the covenant of marriage should not be construed to suggest that one person is required to ignore or overlook covenant-breaking behavior, and forgiveness does not require that the broken covenant be restored. Psalm 82 Initiative

32. Love is the daily decision that says “I Still do” and follows up with action. Ngina Otiende.
33. It is not love, the feeling, that sustains a marriage, but the commitment to practice love that makes a marriage strong. Ngina Otiende.
34. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
35. Being met with Divine compassion requires that we take the risk of sharing the ways we’ve been hurt by faith. Krispin Mayfield
36. Loving God’s plan for beautiful, Christ-honoring marriages means you will stand strongly against idolatrous ones where one spouse expects the other’s life to revolve around them. MaryEllen Bream, Hope For Hurting Wives
37. Don’t ever stop dating your wife. Don’t ever stop (dating) your husband. ModernMarriage.com
38. Healthy relationships do actually require we acknowledge, be compassionate with and sit with, and release emotions. Ride the wave and let it speak and usher us to a more authentic place.
39. Pay more attention to your spouse than your phone. Marquis Clarke
40. If you’re constantly going out of your way to meet your spouse’s needs and they are not making an effort to meet yours, then that’s a problem. And that problem cannot be addressed or solved by you trying harder or making yourself/your needs smaller. Ngina Otiende.
41. A healthy marriage does not have one person being consistently prioritized over the other. Ngina Otiende
42. Let’s learn how to love ourselves first so we know how to keep the standard with our spouse. Ngina Otiende
43. Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself; not what’s leftover after you have given your best to everyone else. Dave Willis
44. There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. Martin Luther
45. A good marriage is one where each partner secretly suspects they got the better deal – Anonymous
There you go! 45 newlywed quotes to inspire your marriage. Your turn: what’s your favorite quote from the list? Let’s talk in the comments below.
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