Christian divorce

marriage advice from divorced people

Addressing the Lie “Don’t Take Marriage Advice from Divorced People”

“Don’t take marriage advice from divorced people.” If you are Christian, you’ve probably heard the words or some variation of the same.   It’s a common belief in Christian circles, that to divorce is to automatically be biased against all relationships. Thus, the advice runs, one of the best things married people can do to…

8 Toxic Beliefs Keeping Christian Women Trapped in Bad Marriages
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8 Toxic Beliefs Keeping Christian Women Trapped in Bad Marriages

What type of “teachings” keep women stuck in bad marriages? I dare to say the ones with “virtue” written all over them. The ones with an appearance of goodness. The biggest offenders are the ones allowing the majority to continue feeling good about themselves and their belief systems. They leave everyone feeling communal and happy,…

Convince about abuse

How Do You Convince Your Loved One that Getting Away From Your Abuser was the Right Thing to Do?

Someone asked “how do you convince a loved one, through Scripture, that getting away from your abuser was the right thing to do?” Quick answer. You don’t. You don’t need to convince anyone. But let’s dig deeper. Someone who doesn’t see abuse or the need for safety for the victim will not be convinced by…

averse to marriage conflict
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Dear Church, She Wasn’t Averse to Regular Marriage Conflict

Spouses in destructive marriages are often accused of having an aversion to marriage conflict. They are told to develop relationship muscles to help them address and solve relationship problems. tw: betrayal “Everyone says something they don’t mean. Everyone forgets sometimes. Come on, he’s begging for forgiveness” is said to the wife, who confesses she no…