dreams goals

When a wife is older than her husband, outsiders tend to look at their relationship with suspicion and doubt. Here are 4 things couples need to know

When a Wife is Older Than Her Husband – 4 Things You Need To Know

When a wife is older than her husband, outsiders can look at their relationship with suspicion and doubt.  I recently received a question from a reader, who wanted to know how to navigate age-difference in a relationship, primarily where the woman is older than the man. People largely tend to get attracted (and eventually marry)…

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Communication in Marriage: A Husband’s Perspective

This month at Intentional Today, we are looking at communication in marriage. We started by looking at the options a wife has when her husband struggles to engage. Since I write from a wife’s point of view, someone wanted to know my husband’s story, how he worked through stonewalling and shutting down. My husband doesn’t…

How to create boundaries with a difficult spouse

Marriage Boundaries With a Difficult Spouse: 5 Important Guidelines

Are marriage boundaries a reasonable option for the suffering spouse in a difficult marriage? I remember the day my husband-then-boyfriend announced the third person in his life. “Our relationship,” he said. “It’s like a living person, separate from you and I, who needs our consistent attention.” It was a radical revelation and I was arriving…