
marriage conspiracies
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Had Enough of Marriage Conspiracies? How to Identify What’s Real

“How is marriage?” After a few months of being married, I found this question was as common as my morning cup of tea. I now know what folks wanted to hear: that marriage is fun and exciting and that I was on the upswing every single day. Unfortunately, while marriage was sweet and exciting, it…

It’s Here! My Book The Newlyweds: Pursuing Mutuality, Health, and Happiness in Marriage is Now Available!

It’s Here! My Book The Newlyweds: Pursuing Mutuality, Health, and Happiness in Marriage is Now Available!

Is it possible to have a happy marriage..without gender-specific roles, 24/7 sacrifice, and the death of your personhood?  We know that growth and fulfillment as a couple are not handed on a silver platter, but what if cultural and religious conditioning makes the intentional work of marriage significantly harder? What if you could learn how…

gender roles evangelical fundamentalism

Gender Roles, Evangelical Fundamentalism, and The Justifications We Make for Harmful Behavior

I’ve been away from the blog, recovering from surgery and while away, someone left a comment under an older post on Instagram that got me thinking. Now, we can’t influence people who don’t want to wrestle with a different point of view. A part of me knows that. But another part really wants to convince…

are men and women more different than alike in relationship
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Are Men and Women More Different Than Alike in Relationships? Exploring Evangelical Teachings

Are men and women more different than alike in relationships? Popular evangelical teachings often portray them as two distinct species. But what does the research say? Sometimes back, one of my readers tagged me under a Facebook post discussing “love” and “submission.” I’ve written quite a bit on those two subjects on this blog. In…