
Christians don't get married to get divorced
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Why Christians Don’t Get Married to Get Divorced

Have you heard the saying, “Married people give up too easily”? Or its cousin, “Married Christians just need to trust God more?” Have you noticed how this duo often appears when discussing deeply problematic marriage situations? While not every “hard marriage” has dynamics of power and control (and some people end their marriage for reasons…

marriage is hard
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How Hard is Marriage? Sanity-Saving Tips For Wives

“Marriage is hard” is how some spouses avoid taking individual responsibility in marriage. When I was newly married, I thought all problems between a couple were something both people needed to work on: All issues were solvable. Even where one person was at fault, I was taught that prayer, patience, and better instruction would fix…

Things women should know about marriage
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15 Things Women Need to Know About Marriage

My husband and I were recently watching a video highlighting the first all-female crew in Kenyan aviation. Many parts of the world have had their first-all-female-crew moment and it was great seeing our country in the hub. Our conversation looped around the brilliance and hard work we’d just witnessed and it wasn’t long before we…

Why Pastors Need Accountability, Not Protection
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Why Pastors Need Accountability Too

Pastors and accountability is an uncomfortable mix for some Christians. I’ve seen people (myself included) told, “Be careful,” “Don’t be so willing to throw the first stone,” or “It’s a slippery slope,” when they address a harmful Christian teaching. It’s almost as if some Christians don’t believe church leaders are normal human beings who make…