Difficult Marriage

When a Spouse Won’t Address Harmful Character Issues (Clarity For Wives)
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When a Spouse Won’t Address Harmful Character Issues (Clarity For Wives)

Character issues in marriage: Many women find themselves in marriages where a spouse is deeply wounding or immature, or proud but won’t address these individual character issues. Or the spouse says they are “working on it,” but the wife never really sees the long-term fruit of that work. She wants to know what’s going on,…

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Spouse: How To Differentiate

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Spouse: How To Differentiate

Healthy vs. unhealthy spouse: how do you differentiate? I often hear how hard it is to distinguish between good and bad marriages. Married people struggle to discern if their spouse is actually trying to do better or if they have settled into routines of irresponsibility, entitlement, neglect, addictions, and other harmful/unhealthy patterns. Today, I want…

Dear Church, She Wasn’t Averse to Regular Marriage Conflict
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Dear Church, She Wasn’t Averse to Regular Marriage Conflict

Spouses in destructive marriages are often accused of having an aversion to marriage conflict. They are told to develop relationship muscles to help them address and solve relationship problems. tw: betrayal “Everyone says something they don’t mean. Everyone forgets sometimes. Come on, he’s begging for forgiveness” is said to the wife, who confesses she no…

Why Women Don’t Know If Their Marriages Are Harmful

Why Women Don’t Know If Their Marriages Are Harmful

Many women in unsafe marriages don’t know their marriages are draining the life out of them. And one of the reasons they don’t know their marriages are killing them is because, in the Christian world, most (if not all) problems in marriage are presented as “normal marriage issues everyone goes through.” Even when a plain-to-see…